
Bringing data together into a remote dashboard. 

To provide actionable insights, that complements your SCADA system.

AquaDNA™ provides a remote, live view of your entire waste water system via a simple online dashboard.  Remotely linked to each pump, it gives you actionable insights that you can use to make decisions about how you manage your asset base.

Using the intelligence gathered by a DERAGGER®+ connected to each pump, data is sent remotely and analysed by Jacobs alongside other data feeds such as weather.  AquaDNA™ can then provide an up-to-the-minute view of asset performance, health and predicted future failures or spills – with quick and easy red / amber / green alerts for each key metric.

Benefits and Outcomes:

AquaDNA™ combines the benefits of the DERAGGER+, with a remote dashboard that provides additional insights as to how your entire waste water network is performing.

Dashboard (Running)
Graph - Current Imbalance (avg hours)
Graph - Diurnal Pattern
Graph - Well Level


How does it get that data?

  • The data is gathered by a DERAGGER+ unit, one per pump, which sits within the control panel alongside a modem which sends that data up to the cloud.
  • It also uses some external data sources – for example a weather API to help understand future rainfall, used to help predict likely spillages.

What does the DERAGGER+ do?

  • The DERAGGER+ monitors a pump and keeps it running clean. To do this it tracks 70 data parameters at 5 second intervals, and runs ‘clean cycles’ to prevent clogs from forming.
  • It still behaves like this when implemented as part of AquaDNA™, but a modem sends this same data to the Cloud where AquaDNA™ analyses it and displays it in the dashboard.
  • This means that a DERAGGER+ can drastically improve your operational and pumping efficiency, and AquaDNA™ gives you the insights so you can better manage your assets throughout an entire waste water system.

Does it use other data as well?

  • Yes, AquaDNA™ also integrates weather data to allow real-time updates of time to spill and available well capacity.
  • This data also allows you to see expected rainfall for a particular area / station.

What about predictive maintenance?

  • By monitoring flow trends, weather data, and historical degradation patterns for pump assets, AquaDNA™ can calculate planned maintenance requirements.

So does it replace SCADA or similar?

  • AquaDNA™ is not a replacement for any existing SCADA systems. It is a complementary, intelligent product designed to improve your efficiency.
  • It has also been designed to provide ‘actionable insights’, and produces alerts and red/amber/green signals so that it does not require a lot of analytical time.

What hardware do I need?

  • You’ll need one DERAGGER+ for each pump, plus a modem for each station.
  • Once they are installed and linked to your AquaDNA™ account, you’ll then be able to access your dashboard from any internet connected device through a web portal.

What is Jacob’s role?

  • Jacobs have built the dashboard and data analytics software which provides those actionable insights.
  • We work in partnership on the project, and will be jointly taking it to market.